I write and edit things.

Victoria @supertoria12

Age 29, Female



Joined on 8/20/07

Exp Points:
1,972 / 2,180
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5.59 votes
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supertoria12's News

Posted by supertoria12 - August 5th, 2020

Since my last post, I've graduated from undergrad, attended graduate school (got an M.A. in Literature... because why the hell not?), got engaged, started working in publishing/editing, and... well yeah that's about it. I also moved several states away from where I grew up and I'm probably gonna stay where I'm at for the time being. Work can get a bit monotonous, so I'm always looking to do something fun (read: creative, not academic) and freelance-y, whether it's writing, editing, or voice acting. Just HMU if you wanna collab or hire me as a freelancer.


Posted by supertoria12 - June 10th, 2013

It's been a while since my last news post, and quite frankly, a lot of stuff has happened since then. I graduated from high school last month and I'm going to college to major in English and minor in theatre and/or criminal justice. Recently, I've started voice acting and am currently working on about three or four flash projects as a voice actor. I'm really excited to see these projects come alive, and I can't wait until they're finished. I've also been working as a singer and collaborating with very talented musicians in the audio portal.
While none of my endeavors are finished yet, I can say right now that I'm having a blast working on them. So if there's actually anyone out there who reads this, I just want to say: get ready, because the awesome projects I've been helping with will be here before you know it.


Posted by supertoria12 - October 6th, 2010

Soooo, I would like to do some voice acting. I'm not 100% sure how to record and everything, but I'll learn. I can do many different accents, including British, Aussie, French, and Russian. I can make my voice sound deep or fairly high-pitched. I can do women's voices as well as men (I'm just that cool XD) and also children. So if you're interested, shoot me a PM and I'll be happy to help!
Oh, and look! My artistic abilities have gotten better!!

saltshakerclock = friend

ricksed = one of my best NG friends!

emanhattan = ¡Mi amigo de México!

culex17 = blam team captain

madninja2500 = first female friend

lunardragon96 = best ninja friend evah!!!

ccrimins64 = good friend

brazilianninja = friend

loveninja = hippie friend

hateninja = ticked off friend

generalchampion = friend

nrenteria = first friend

sparkwattclock = GWC leader/friend

loney03dk = amazing flash artist/good friend

ninjastranger = bff ninja

solardragon96 = Lunar's complete opposite, so does that make solar my friend or foe?

straightpimpin1 = buddy

supakills = new friend

karnagezombie = new friend

mangostenmaster = Cool flash dude

junkyardanimations = awesome flash mastah!

If I forgot you (which I probably did) comment and let me know.

Voice Acting

Posted by supertoria12 - February 12th, 2009

CLICKNJOINI just made and uploaded a flash movie: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/
, too bad its BLAMMED! I'm a little ticked right now. With a little background music and some more pizazz, I'll upload a new one. Here it is in Youtube form.

/* */
saltshakerclock = friend

ricksed = one of my best NG friends!

emanhattan = ¡Mi amigo de México!

culex17 = blam team captain

madninja2500 = first female friend

lunardragon96 = best ninja friend evah!!!

ccrimins64 = good friend

brazilianninja = friend

loveninja = hippie friend

hateninja = ticked off friend

generalchampion = friend

nrenteria = first friend

sparkwattclock = GWC leader/friend

loney03dk = amazing flash artist/good friend

ninjastranger = bff ninja

solardragon96 = Lunar's complete opposite, so does that make solar my friend or foe?

straightpimpin1 = buddy

supakills = new friend

karnagezombie = new friend

mangostenmaster = Cool flash dude

junkyardanimations = awesome flash mastah!

If I forgot you (which I probably did) comment and let me know.

30 Day Free Flash Trial!!!!

Posted by supertoria12 - December 22nd, 2008

No matter what holiday you're celebrating- Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanza, ect.- I wish you the very best! I'm getting a Wii for Christmas this year; sure beats last year's DS! Well, anyways, Happy Holidays!

saltshakerclock = friend

ricksed = one of my best NG friends!

emanhattan = ¡Mi amigo de México!

culex17 = blam team captain

madninja2500 = first female friend

lunardragon96 = best ninja friend evah!!!

ccrimins64 = good friend

brazilianninja = friend

loveninja = hippie friend

hateninja = ticked off friend

generalchampion = friend

nrenteria = first friend

sparkwattclock = GWC leader/friend

loney03dk = amazing flash artist/good friend

ninjastranger = bff ninja

solardragon96 = Lunar's complete opposite, so does that make solar my friend or foe?

straightpimpin1 = buddy

supakills = new friend

karnagezombie = new friend

mangostenmaster = Cool flash dude

If I forgot you (which I probably did) comment and let me know.


Posted by supertoria12 - September 13th, 2008

I'm not sure if I posted this before, but:

Diary of a Squire

When I woke up, the sun glared in my blue eyes but I didn't care, I was too busy thinking about how big this day was and how big of an impact it would have on the rest of my life and my descendants' lives. I dragged myself out of my blankets and walked into the kitchen. I grabbed a loaf of bread, and filled my water sack. I got dressed and went into the stable to get my horse. "Let's go, Girl. Oh Yeah! I forgot!" I gave her a carrot. "You sure are hungry! Well let's get going or I'll be late!" Oh I almost forgot! My name is Tom, and my horse is named Epona, and I'm going to be the world's best knight, but until then I have to be the world's best squire. Well anyways, I got there late. I had to wash out the stable from top to bottom and then clean and polish every stupid shield, sword, helmet, and gauntlets in the Amory. I finally got to start training. I nearly killed the other squires and I didn't even need a shield! The next day I got to meet the knight who I will assist in jousts and even on the battlefield. His name is Sir Lancelot and he is my hero! He won many battles and is a knight of The Round Table. I went on like this for a year. On my 13th Birthday I got a real sword. Sir Lancelot got it for me. He also gave me a shield which I'll need because I'm on the second level of Squire training. When I got to practice I stared in awe. There were only three other squires who only had wooden swords and shields and were without horses. I was the best squire in my group. I had the very best knight at my side and couldn't be stopped, or at least until my first real battle! "You look really scared." Sir Lancelot said. "I am" I replied. I swallowed my saliva and took a deep breath. "Don't worry; they usually don't aim directly at squires." He reassured. "Alright" I managed to say, even though I was still horrified at the idea people would want to kill other people, even boys in their youth. I trembled in my amour "CLICK CLACK, CLICK CLACK! CLANK CLANK CLANK!!! " The battle began! Arrows flew like eagles in the air. A few arrows bounced off my amour "FLICK! FWOOSH! SCHOOM!" "Wow! He was right! Wait a sec, SIR LANCELOT!!!!!!" He lay there on the ground an arrow in his right shoulder plate. "He must've been blown down due to the impact of the arrow! I better help him!" I lugged the heavy man to the Infirmary Tent and splashed cold water on him. "Huh? Wha... What happened?" he asked, barely conscious but awake enough to communicate. "You got hit by an arrow in the shoulder. Your amour protected you, but the impact threw you to the ground. I carried you here." I informed him. "Wow! What a story! Thanks Tomas, you saved my life I really owe you one!" The battle ended and we won. I went to practice and I told everyone. I even got moved up five whole levels. I started practicing again and I fought in four more battles. We won every time. On account of all those victories, a feast in the castle was held for all the knights and squires who were in it. The feast was wonderful! There was roasted pig, turkey, chicken, beef, and even quail! There were boiled potatoes, carrots, peas, green beans, corn, and cucumber. I ate about a dozen loaves of bread and scraped the meat off the bones of two drumsticks. I was so full at the end of the main course that I skipped the second course to let the food digest to make room for the dessert which was pudding and cake. I didn't expect the ceremony held afterwards, and I was stunned that I was the important part of it. The king took his gold scepter which was studded with rubies and diamonds. He then took Sir Lancelot's sword, and then he called me forward and told me to kneel. He dubbed me a knight. I had finally reached my goal!

saltshakerclock = friend

ricksed = one of my best NG friends!

emanhattan = ¡Mi amigo de México!

culex17 = blam team captain

madninja2500 = first female friend

lunardragon96 = best ninja friend evah!!!

ccrimins64 = good friend

brazilianninja = friend

loveninja = hippie friend

hateninja = ticked off friend

generalchampion = friend

nrenteria = first friend

sparkwattclock = GWC leader/friend

loney03dk = amazing flash artist/good friend

ninjastranger = bff ninja

solardragon96 = Lunar's complete opposite, so does that make solar my friend or foe?

straightpimpin1 = buddy

supakills = new friend

karnagezombie = new friend

mangostenmaster = Cool flash dude

If I forgot you (which I probably did) comment and let me know.

Diary of a Squire

Posted by supertoria12 - April 17th, 2008

13 at last! Yeah, I know most of you will be like "She already is 13, what gives?" well, i had to lie about my age in order to join ng.

saltshakerclock = friend

ricksed = one of my best NG friends!

emanhattan = ¡Mi amigo de México!

culex17 = blam team captain

madninja2500 = first female friend

lunardragon96 = best ninja friend evah!!!

ccrimins64 = good friend

brazilianninja = friend

loveninja = hippie friend

hateninja = ticked off friend

generalchampion = friend

nrenteria = first friend

sparkwattclock = GWC leader/friend

loney03dk = amazing flash artist/good friend

ninjastranger = bff ninja

solardragon96 = Lunar's complete opposite, so does that make solar my friend or foe?

straightpimpin1 = buddy

supakills = new friend

karnagezombie = new friend

mangostenmaster = Cool flash dude

If I forgot you (which I probably did) comment and let me know.

I decided to start posting LOLmovies! Here's one comin right atcha! Sorry that it seems a little young for you, but I love sheep!


Posted by supertoria12 - March 25th, 2008

Quick! she thought. As she and Lunar darted into the kitchen she could smell the intense fumes of the smoke from the kitchen. "Get down!" she whispered as she tugged him to the floor. They crept into the kitchen with intense speed. The peculiar thing was, the oven was turned off and the kitchen window was wide open! "Someone was in here..." Lunar said, "It's gone!" he added. "What is?" NS asked curiously. "N-Nothing...Nothing important..." he stuttered. Lunar was hiding somthing no doubt about that, but from who, and why?

Sorry its so short. I'll make up for it later. I promise.

saltshakerclock = friend

ricksed = one of my best NG friends!

emanhattan = my amigo from Mexico!

culex17 = blam team captain

madninja2500 = first female friend

lunardragon96 = best ninja friend evah!!!

ccrimins64 = good friend

brazilianninja = friend

loveninja = hippie friend

hateninja = ticked off friend

generalchampion = friend

nrenteria = first friend

sparkwattclock = GWC leader/friend

loney03dk = amazing flash artist/good friend

ninjastranger = bff ninja

solardragon96 = Lunar's complete opposite, so does that make solar my friend or foe?

straightpimpin1 = buddy

supakills = new friend

karnagezombie = new friend

If I forgot you (which I probably did) comment and let me know.

I decided to start posting LOLmovies! Here's one comin right atcha!

NinjaStranger's Side of the Story ptIII

Posted by supertoria12 - March 22nd, 2008

Ninja Stranger had alot of questions to ask Lunar, but her mind was focused on other things, like what she was going to eat for breakfast. "Well, here we are!" Lunar exclaimed as he walked inside his tree,"Make yourself at home! You can stay here as long as you'd like! Now, what do you want for breakfast? I have bacon and eggs, or do you want toast with ramen noodles?" he asked. "Bacon and eggs please. And if you don't mind, I like the eggs scrambled." she decided. "Bacon and scrambled eggs coming right up!" Lunar declared, "You can unpack your belongings in the guest room, oh, and the fact that my tree can have multiple rooms is a mystery to even me." he told her. Ninja Stranger had but a few possesions, among them were a sleeping bag, suriken, kunais, a stuffed lamb she had had since she was little, and even a picture of her parents. She smiled as she looked at the picture, her mother was young and carefree, and her father was young, tall, and handsome. She was in the picture too, but she was only a baby, her stuffed lamb in her tiny arms. Lunar must've had walked in without Ninja Stranger realizing because he said, "You must miss them. I sure miss my parents. My mother died when I was very young, and my father was always busy. My grandparents took care of me most of the time." A tear trickled down from his silver eyes, and Ninja Stranger knew that he wasn't a bad guy after all. "My mom died when I was nine or ten, then my father passed away when I was twelve. I ran away from the village and lived in the treetops. I got a job as a bounty hunter so I could make ends meet." she replied. All of a sudden, she started balling her eyes out, and to her suprise so did Lunar. Even more to her suprise he came over and hugged her. Then, she coughed...Someting was burning!

saltshakerclock = friend

ricksed = one of my best NG friends!

emanhattan = my amigo from Mexico!

culex17 = blam team captain

madninja2500 = first female friend

lunardragon96 = best ninja friend evah!!!

ccrimins64 = good friend

brazilianninja = friend

loveninja = hippie friend

hateninja = ticked off friend

generalchampion = friend

nrenteria = first friend

sparkwattclock = GWC leader/friend

loney03dk = amazing flash artist/good friend

ninjastranger = bff ninja

solardragon96 = Lunar's complete opposite, so does that make solar my friend or foe?

straightpimpin1 = buddy

supakills = new friend

karnagezombie = new friend

If I forgot you (which I probably did) comment and let me know.

I'm a Simpson!

NS Chronicles II

Posted by supertoria12 - March 14th, 2008

It was barely dawn. The sun wasn't up yet and the forest was dark and mysterious. FWOOSSHHH! Ninja Stranger awoke with a start. She was still hidden amongst the leaves, so as to not draw any attention to herself, she quietly and carefully peeked through the leaves closest to her face. Although she was high in the treetop, she could still make out the silhouette of a ninja. She didn't want to take any chances so she promptly yet silently grabbed her kunai out of its sheath. She carefully aimed her weapon at the ninja down below. All of a sudden, the ninja disappeared, but a millisecond later, the ninja tackled her. "Were you spying on me?" he said. "No, I only looked to see what made that noise, the noise that woke me up." she replied. "Look, I might have to kill you if you don't proove that you are an ally of my village." he demanded. "First I need to know what village you come from." she persisted. "I am a sand ninja, but I'm not evil." the sand ninja replied. "I am a traveling ninja whose father was one of the hokage of the Hidden Leaf Village." she proclaimed. "I feel no need to kill you. Why don't you come to my tree for breakfast? My name's Lunar."

It's basically my version of Lunar's story.

saltshakerclock = friend

ricksed = one of my best NG friends!

emanhattan = my amigo from Mexico!

culex17 = blam team captain

madninja2500 = first female friend

lunardragon96 = best ninja friend evah!!!

ccrimins64 = good friend

brazilianninja = friend

loveninja = hippie friend

hateninja = ticked off friend

generalchampion = friend

nrenteria = first friend

sparkwattclock = GWC leader/friend

loney03dk = amazing flash artist/good friend

ninjastranger = bff ninja

solardragon96 = Lunar's complete opposite, so does that make solar my friend or foe?

straightpimpin1 = buddy

supakills = new friend

If I forgot you (which I probably did) comment and let me know.

EDIT! I officially have a garbage whistle!

Here's Lunar's version of NS.

Fan Fic Chapter I