Ninja Stranger had alot of questions to ask Lunar, but her mind was focused on other things, like what she was going to eat for breakfast. "Well, here we are!" Lunar exclaimed as he walked inside his tree,"Make yourself at home! You can stay here as long as you'd like! Now, what do you want for breakfast? I have bacon and eggs, or do you want toast with ramen noodles?" he asked. "Bacon and eggs please. And if you don't mind, I like the eggs scrambled." she decided. "Bacon and scrambled eggs coming right up!" Lunar declared, "You can unpack your belongings in the guest room, oh, and the fact that my tree can have multiple rooms is a mystery to even me." he told her. Ninja Stranger had but a few possesions, among them were a sleeping bag, suriken, kunais, a stuffed lamb she had had since she was little, and even a picture of her parents. She smiled as she looked at the picture, her mother was young and carefree, and her father was young, tall, and handsome. She was in the picture too, but she was only a baby, her stuffed lamb in her tiny arms. Lunar must've had walked in without Ninja Stranger realizing because he said, "You must miss them. I sure miss my parents. My mother died when I was very young, and my father was always busy. My grandparents took care of me most of the time." A tear trickled down from his silver eyes, and Ninja Stranger knew that he wasn't a bad guy after all. "My mom died when I was nine or ten, then my father passed away when I was twelve. I ran away from the village and lived in the treetops. I got a job as a bounty hunter so I could make ends meet." she replied. All of a sudden, she started balling her eyes out, and to her suprise so did Lunar. Even more to her suprise he came over and hugged her. Then, she coughed...Someting was burning!
saltshakerclock = friend
ricksed = one of my best NG friends!
emanhattan = my amigo from Mexico!
culex17 = blam team captain
madninja2500 = first female friend
lunardragon96 = best ninja friend evah!!!
ccrimins64 = good friend
brazilianninja = friend
loveninja = hippie friend
hateninja = ticked off friend
generalchampion = friend
nrenteria = first friend
sparkwattclock = GWC leader/friend
loney03dk = amazing flash artist/good friend
ninjastranger = bff ninja
solardragon96 = Lunar's complete opposite, so does that make solar my friend or foe?
straightpimpin1 = buddy
supakills = new friend
karnagezombie = new friend
If I forgot you (which I probably did) comment and let me know.
I'm a Simpson!
The perspective was good, but something is weird about it...
Never mind...
The hug, I know, I know, but trust me, there's something coming up in the 3rd that will make EVERYONE forget about it. trust me.