I write and edit things.

Victoria @supertoria12

Age 29, Female



Joined on 8/20/07

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NinjaStranger's Side of the Story ptIII

Posted by supertoria12 - March 25th, 2008

Quick! she thought. As she and Lunar darted into the kitchen she could smell the intense fumes of the smoke from the kitchen. "Get down!" she whispered as she tugged him to the floor. They crept into the kitchen with intense speed. The peculiar thing was, the oven was turned off and the kitchen window was wide open! "Someone was in here..." Lunar said, "It's gone!" he added. "What is?" NS asked curiously. "N-Nothing...Nothing important..." he stuttered. Lunar was hiding somthing no doubt about that, but from who, and why?

Sorry its so short. I'll make up for it later. I promise.

saltshakerclock = friend

ricksed = one of my best NG friends!

emanhattan = my amigo from Mexico!

culex17 = blam team captain

madninja2500 = first female friend

lunardragon96 = best ninja friend evah!!!

ccrimins64 = good friend

brazilianninja = friend

loveninja = hippie friend

hateninja = ticked off friend

generalchampion = friend

nrenteria = first friend

sparkwattclock = GWC leader/friend

loney03dk = amazing flash artist/good friend

ninjastranger = bff ninja

solardragon96 = Lunar's complete opposite, so does that make solar my friend or foe?

straightpimpin1 = buddy

supakills = new friend

karnagezombie = new friend

If I forgot you (which I probably did) comment and let me know.

I decided to start posting LOLmovies! Here's one comin right atcha!

NinjaStranger's Side of the Story ptIII


I would be evil, then good.
My name could be KZ, or Karnage
So can I PLEASE be in the next one??????

ill think about it, but not in the next one bc the next one already has been planned out. maybe the one after it.

told you the bacon was burning

No, it wasn't, Lunar forgot to turn the stove on.

() ()


hope that wasnt steak getting burned in the kitchen!

Did you read the previous stories? because then you'd know that steak has nothing to do with the story. Get with it man!


april fools!

That movie was my favorite movie ever.

Yeah, im only 13 and I think I saw the unrated one with my dad. Still, even if it wasn't unrated, it would be R, and thats cool! but yeah, good movie, I liked Passion od the Christ too, good movie.

where are you. i miss you. :( that is uaually bad

Im at school, well, not today anyways. I'm sick with the cold, but I felt worse than i usually do when i have a cold so my mom let me stay home. i have a chest full of mucus, a semi sore throat, and constant coughing. Oh, btw, my old teacher resigned!!!! he was an idiot! Now I have the teacher i had in 4th grade. too bad she gives alot of homework!

aww. when is your birthday. and you getting that guitar

the 17th, and my mom and I got the guitar today after school. it only cost $60, but it doesnt include an amp so my mom said to use some of my easter and birthday money and buy one. i saw one on sale for $30 at toys'r'us and its the same brand as the guitar. however, i have to wait til sunday to get it because sunday is my party. my mom doesnt want me to have any theme this year though, i really wanted to have a music theme, and i saw this cool acoustic guitar piniata which would've been nice to smack open.

lol I like the people version

me too, but i liked the director's cut on fetching private ryan.plus the commentary features steven spielbone, butch hanks, and spot damon. it was awesome how they slaughtered those natzi cats too! and there was that one deleted scene with Adolf Kitten, I think the actor's name was Fluffy Klawson or something.

can i be your fwend :3?

no, because you spoke about porn on my news page.

saving ryan's privates! wait isn't that already a real porno movie?

im under 18, i dont really want to talk about porn movies at my age. and i have no clue if its a porno movie, cuz im under 18!

?????????????????????? HOW OLD ARE YOU. jk please dont take that seriously. im just bitter right now.

so do i have to answer that question?

wanna friends with me?

i guess,

yes you do

im turning 13, im 12 1/2, but im pretty mature for my age.

that clears things up kind of

kind of?

Vote for me in the GWC elections!!!

what elections?

You know the elections. it is on the website. I am running against, mario man, Fatkidwjp and xD something. I am in 1st place tied with fatkid. I think I am qualified for the job. Please vote for me!!!

do i have to vote for anyone?

: D

im on that list!

: D

of course! your my first friend from mexico! And you're not a jerk like most ng users!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOMORROW!! *throws confetti and rolls on the ground screaming about a floating squirrel*

Today is my stuffed animal's birthday, he's 3. he's this cute little lamb i got 3 years ago for easter.