DA buddy?
You just happened to sign up, please change it to just "friend".
Put BN on,
I write and edit things.
Age 29, Female
Joined on 8/20/07
DA buddy?
You just happened to sign up, please change it to just "friend".
Put BN on,
ok, and LN&HN I suppose.
The pick is sooo funny! You have a lot friends with the word "ninja" in it! Including me.
loveninja hateninja and brazilian ninja are the same person. and lunar doesn't really count.
OMG! Alt accounts are baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad!
depends, someone could have an alt for blamming bad flashes.
ehem. what about me......
sorry, i'm on it!
thanks babe
er, welcome.
Hi there!
what's up girl.
...I need a brain too, sometimes. Just depends on if i find it in the morning.
how bout me?
oops! ill have it on there in a flash. heh...gettit! flash!
Thanks for putting me on your list.
your welcome!
Oh, oh, you totally didn't forget me, the guy who's making a whole Flash because of you. >.>
oops. sorry, im on it!
(You can already tell that I'm messed up)
what do you mean?
good bush pick, i lobe it.
thx! what brings you to my page?
just following the chain of buddy lists i accidentally started, this shit's like dominoes! one person does it and their friend sees their page and then they get one and so on and so on. wow.
lol, true.
wow everyone has alts. mine is mitchchampion. thats just for when i get locked out
how do you get locked out?
lol thats funny
what is, the bush pic? i found it a while ago.
when you put in your password incorrectly to many times. i guess its to prevent hacking. i had my keyboard on CAPS lock
The dreaded capslock! I have a little brother (11 years old) who, for some reason, likes to put on caps lock every time he uses the computer. So, when I kick him off the computer, I almost always forget that he turned caps lock on. luckily i catch it in time.
when you get locked out its annoying and you have to contact WADE
which is pointless sometimes because he's not on very often.
xD nice
the bush pic? i found it on google...I think.